Sunday, January 2, 2011

Abandonment and Inspiration

I admit it. I abandoned this blog. I've done it before, and it probably won't be the last time. Thankfully, my two followers are forgiving. :)

2010 left me comfortable and happy. I found no need to vent frustrations to the cyberworld. My husband has lent me his sometimes begrudging ear to my woes and celebrations. The past year also found me in a place of tepid complacency. I didn't really feel that fervor I once held for the power of words and inspirational blurbs.

So, as the new year begins, I find it necessary as a naturally lazy creature to resolve to be inspired once again!

Here's to finding inspiration in our everyday humdrum lives. :)


sally said...

:) YAY! good seeing you lovely lady... blogging takes too much time. but it's fun to look back... :) hope you are staying warm~~!

Teener said...

welcome back!